Feria Internacional de los Países

International People’s Fair


The Feria de los Pueblos is an annual event that takes place in the beautiful coastal town of Fuengirola, located in the province of Malaga, Spain. This festival celebrates different cultures and traditions from around the world, attracting thousands of visitors every year.

The Feria de los Pueblos began in 1994 as a small festival that showcased the cultures and traditions of the different communities that reside in Fuengirola. Since then, it has grown in popularity and become a much-anticipated event not only in Fuengirola but throughout the entire Andalusia region.

The festival takes place in the heart of Fuengirola and is usually held in late April or early May. The streets are filled with music, dance, and colour as participants from different countries come together to share their cultures and traditions with the rest of the community.

One of the main attractions of the Feria de los Pueblos is the food. Visitors can sample a wide variety of international cuisine, including Spanish, Mexican, Moroccan, Indian, and many more. The smells of spices and herbs fill the air, and the colourful displays of food and drinks are a feast for the eyes.

In addition to the food, the festival also features a variety of performances, including music, dance, and theatre. Visitors can watch traditional dances from different countries, listen to live music, and even participate in workshops to learn more about other cultural traditions.

The Feria de los Pueblos is also an excellent opportunity to purchase unique souvenirs and crafts worldwide. Local artisans and vendors set up booths throughout the festival, selling handmade goods such as jewellery, pottery, textiles, and other items not typically found in mainstream shops.


Overall, the Feria de los Pueblos is an unforgettable experience celebrating diversity, culture, and community. It is a beautiful way to learn about different cultures and traditions and to connect with people from all around the world.

If you ever find yourself in Fuengirola during the festival, stop by and experience the vibrant energy and excitement of this annual event.